
Blind Lake, otherwise called Sheosar Lake, in Skardu is an unlikely treasure that offers a tranquil and practically supernatural experience. Settled inside the Deosai Fields, the world’s second-most noteworthy level, this lake is encircled by wildflowers in summer and outlined by snow-covered tops, introducing a scene straight out of a fantasy. The excursion to Daze Lake is an undertaking in itself, taking you through probably the most immaculate and dazzling scenes Skardu brings to the table.

The lake’s completely clear waters mirror the tremendous blue skies and the encompassing loftiness of the Deosai Public Park, home to an assortment of untamed life including the uncommon Himalayan earthy colored bear. The serenity of Visually impaired Lake, combined with its stunning excellence, makes it an ideal spot for nature darlings looking for comfort and an association with the immaculate wild. Notwithstanding its distant area, the lake draws travelers and picture takers from around the world, anxious to catch its immaculate excellence.

Visiting Blind Lake is something other than a touring trip; it’s a potential chance to submerge yourself in the crude magnificence of nature, where the quietness is just broken by the delicate lapping of water and the far off call of untamed life. Whether you’re enjoying the great outdoors by the lakeside under a twilight sky or essentially absorbing the all encompassing perspectives, Blind Lake in Skardu offers a remarkable encounter that reverberates with the spirit, helping us to remember the world’s normal marvels ready to be investigated.

Prologue to Daze Lake

Settled in the midst of the terrific scenes of northern Pakistan, Blind Lake is a less popular yet similarly captivating objective for nature fans and explorers. In the same way as other regular jewels in the district, Blind Lake guarantees a tranquil departure from the rushing about of metropolitan life, offering a profound jump into nature’s lap. Here is a short presentation:

Area and Geology:

Blind Lake is arranged in the Shigar Valley of Gilgit-Baltistan, a district known for its different scenes going from transcending tops to verdant valleys.
It’s a high-elevation wetland, making it a stylish wonder as well as environmentally huge. Such wetlands are vital natural surroundings for different vegetation.

Starting points of the Name:

The expression “Blind” in its name is frequently credited to the lake’s detached and fairly covered up nature. Encircled by higher landscapes and off the typical traveler trails, it stays a confined spot, away from according to monstrous vacationer convergence.


Being a wetland, Blind Lake is a sanctuary for different animal varieties. It’s especially alluring for birdwatchers, as the lake and its encompassing regions have a few transient birds during various seasons.
The lake’s waters and its environmental elements likewise support various oceanic species and plants.

Vacationer Experience:

Beautiful Magnificence: The quiet waters of the lake, mirroring the encompassing scenes, make for a pleasant setting. It’s a treat for photography lovers and anybody hoping to catch the excellence of nature.
Trekking: Arriving at the lake frequently includes a touch of journeying, making it an experience for those enthused about climbing. The paths, however not extremely testing, offer astonishing perspectives on the Shigar Valley.
Camping: For those searching for a vivid encounter, the shores of Visually impaired Lake are great for setting up camp. Dozing under the stars, with the lake’s peacefulness for organization, is an encounter to esteem.


Blind Lake is open by means of the Shigar Valley. While the primary pieces of Shigar are associated by street, arriving at Blind Lake could require a mix of driving and journeying.
The distance implies that conveniences may be essential. Voyagers are encouraged to convey fundamentals, including food and water.

Safeguarding Endeavors:

Perceiving its environmental significance, there have been endeavors, both locally and with global joint efforts, to safeguard the perfect idea of Visually impaired Lake and advance practical the travel industry.
All in all, Visually impaired Lake remains as a demonstration of the neglected and immaculate excellence that northern Pakistan brings to the table. While it probably won’t have the popularity of a few different objections in the district, its peaceful charm and normal magnificence make it a must-visit for those looking for off in an unexpected direction encounters.

Elements and Attractions of Visually impaired Lake

Blind Lake, with its immaculate excellence and peaceful mood, offers a remarkable arrangement of highlights and attractions that coax voyagers looking for a not so much popularized but rather more legitimate insight of nature. How about we dive into the champion elements and attractions of this unexpected, yet invaluable treasure:

Blind Lake

Regular Quietness:

Immaculate Excellence: One of the most enthralling elements of Visually impaired Lake is its immaculate and pristine excellence. Not at all like some other places of interest, Blind Lake remains generally undisturbed, holding its normal appeal.
Intelligent Waters: The quiet and clear waters of the lake give a mirror-like impression of the encompassing scenes, especially during day break and nightfall. This scene makes it a safe house for photographic artists.

Rich Biodiversity:

Bird Watching: The lake is a safe-haven for different bird species, including a few transitory birds that visit during various seasons. With a couple of optics, birdwatchers can detect and value these avian miracles right at home.
Oceanic Life: The lake’s environment upholds a heap of oceanic animal groups. While fishing may be confined to protect the living space, guests can in any case notice the existence overflowing free waters.

Traveling Potential open doors:

The paths prompting Blind Lake, while not excessively difficult, give a wonderful traveling experience. These ways take guests through fluctuated territories, offering looks at the nearby greenery and the extensive Shigar Valley.

Setting up camp by the Lake:

For experience fans, setting up a camp by the lakeside guarantees a remarkable encounter. The twilight skies, the delicate waves of the lake, and the peacefulness of the night gain for enchanted experiences.

Neighborhood Culture and Customs:

While the actual lake is a characteristic wonder, the excursion to Dazzle Lake through the Shigar Valley offers experiences into the neighborhood culture. Cooperations with neighborhood networks give a brief look at their practices, customs, and lifestyle.

Occasional Changes:

Blind Lake goes through lovely changes with evolving seasons. From the blooming magnificence of spring to the brilliant shades of fall, each season paints the lake and its environmental factors in various varieties.

Openness and Experience:

Arriving at Blind Lake is an undertaking in itself. The blend of passing through rough territories and afterward journeying to the lake adds a component of rush to the outing.

Economical The travel industry Drives:

Endeavors have been made to advance eco-accommodating and feasible the travel industry around Blind Lake. Taking part in or supporting these drives can improve the guest experience and add to safeguarding the lake’s perfect nature.

Nearness to Different Attractions:

Blind Lake’s area in the Shigar Valley implies that guests can investigate different attractions in the district, from authentic locales to other regular marvels.
All in all, while Blind Lake’s essential charm lies in its peaceful excellence and immaculate nature, it fills in as a passage to different encounters, from experience to social submersion. A visit here guarantees visual pleasure as well as a more profound association with nature and an appreciation for the easier delights of life.

Exercises to Do at Blind Lake

Blind Lake, with its tranquil vibe and immaculate scenes, offers a plenty of exercises for explorers searching for both unwinding and experience. Here is a rundown of exercises one can enjoy while visiting this unexpected, yet invaluable treasure:

Blind Lake

Nature Photography:

The unblemished magnificence of Visually impaired Lake, with its intelligent waters and encompassing scenes, gives sufficient chances to both novice and expert picture takers. The play of light during dawn and dusk can make especially charming shots.

Bird Watching:

Furnished with a couple of optics, bird fans can go through hours spotting and noticing different bird species, including transient ones that regular the lake during explicit seasons.

The paths prompting and around Blind Lake offer a fortifying journeying experience. While the ways are not excessively difficult, they give a great excursion through the different greenery of the Shigar Valley.


For those needing a more vivid nature experience, it is ideal to camp by the lake. Paying attention to the delicate hints of nature, looking at the brilliant night sky, and awakening to the lake’s peaceful perspectives is genuinely mystical.


The quiet shores of Visually impaired Lake are ideal for a casual cookout. Pack a dinner, spread out a mat, and appreciate food in the midst of nature’s magnificence.


Away from city lights, the region around Blind Lake offers an unmistakable perspective on the night sky. On a cloudless evening, guests can appreciate stargazing, spotting heavenly bodies, and perhaps getting a brief look at a meteorite.

Associating with Nearby People group:

Drawing in with neighborhood networks around the lake can give experiences into their traditions, customs, and lifestyle. It’s additionally a chance to buy neighborhood handiworks and backing local area based the travel industry.
Nature Strolls:
Go for comfortable strolls around the lake, retaining the peacefulness and excellence of the climate. The cadenced hints of nature can helpful and restore.

Journaling or Perusing:

For those looking for isolation and thoughtfulness, Blind Lake offers the ideal setting to write in a diary or lose oneself in a decent book, encompassed essentially’s magnificence.

Eco-accommodating Drives:

Take part in or find out about neighborhood practical the travel industry endeavors. This can incorporate directed nature strolls that teach guests about the lake’s biological system or partaking in tidiness drives to guarantee the region stays flawless.


Adventure past the prompt area of the lake to investigate different pieces of the Shigar Valley. This can prompt finding other less popular spots or attractions in the area.
Basically, Blind Lake offers an ideal mix of unwinding and experience, permitting guests to tailor their experience in light of individual inclinations. Whether you’re searching for a peaceful retreat or a functioning investigation, Blind Lake guarantees a remarkable encounter.

The Greenery around Blind Lake

Blind Lake, set in the midst of the different scenes of the Shigar Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan, fills in as a safe-haven for a bunch of verdure. The region’s special environmental highlights, joined with its height and climatic circumstances, make a natural surroundings that upholds a rich embroidery of life. Here is an investigate the vegetation you could experience around Blind Lake:


Pine Trees: Overwhelming the higher elevations and giving a lavish green background to the lake, these trees are a huge piece of the locale’s green cover.
Wildflowers: Throughout the spring and mid year months, the region around Blind Lake blasts into an uproar of varieties with different wildflowers, some of which are novel to this locale.
Spices and Bushes: The knolls and slants around the lake are spotted with different restorative spices and bushes. A portion of these have been utilized in neighborhood solutions for ages.
Sea-going Plants: The lake’s reasonable waters support a few sea-going plants that act as the essential makers in the environment, helping with keeping up with the water’s immaculateness and giving food to oceanic creatures.
Grasses: Huge scopes of grass cover the regions around the lake, giving eating grounds to neighborhood domesticated animals and territory for different minuscule animals.


Birds: The lake is a shelter for avian animal varieties. Transient birds, especially during temporary seasons, incessant the lake. Species could incorporate ducks, herons, and different larks.
Amphibian Life: The flawless waters of Visually impaired Lake support a scope of oceanic life, from fish species to more modest living beings like tiny fish and shellfish.
Mammals: While huge vertebrates probably won’t be every now and again spotted close to the prompt area of the lake, the more extensive locale has animals like marmots, foxes, and infrequently, ibexes.
Insects: A different scope of bugs, pivotal for fertilization and filling in as prey for some birds, can be seen as here. Butterflies, particularly during hotter months, add to the visual allure of the area.
Amphibians: Given the wetland idea of the environmental factors, certain creatures of land and water like frogs and amphibians may be experienced, particularly during the blustery season.

Conservation Endeavors:

Given the environmental significance of Visually impaired Lake, there have been drives, both locally and with the coordinated effort of worldwide substances, to protect its biodiversity. Guests are urged to proceed with caution, guaranteeing they don’t upset the regular territory and add to keeping up with the immaculate idea of the lake and its environmental elements.

All in all, the greenery around Blind Lake portray life in this high-height biological system. A visit here offers peaceful excellence as well as a nearby experience with a different arrangement of creatures, each assuming a significant part in keeping up with the biological equilibrium of the area.

Best Opportunity to Visit Blind Lake

June to August, the mid year months, offer the best perspectives with blooming blossoms and clear skies. Notwithstanding, the spiritualist emanation during the colder months has its own appeal!

Neighborhood Indulgences to Attempt

From delectable ‘Skardu Chapshuro’ to the sweet-smelling ‘Mamtu Dumplings’, the Balti food will leave your tastebuds shivering.

Convenience Choices Close by

While there aren’t any immediate facilities at the lake, Skardu, being a famous vacationer location, has various inns and guesthouses to fit all spending plans.

Tips for Explorers

Make sure to regard neighborhood customs and customs. Additionally, the district can be cold in any event, during summer, so it’s wise to appropriately pack.


Blind Lake Skardu, with its ethereal excellence and appeal, is something other than a place of interest. It’s a sign of the untainted and crude magnificence that nature brings to the table. Prepared for a departure into nature?


How far is Visually impaired Lake from Skardu city?
Roughly 20-25 km, a short drive away.

Is enjoying nature permitted close to the lake?
While setting up camp is a famous movement, it’s prudent to check with nearby specialists ahead of time.

Are there any extra charges?
There may be ostensible charges, particularly during top seasons.

What’s the profundity of Visually impaired Lake?
The profundity changes, however a few pieces of the lake are shockingly profound.

Is it ok for solo explorers?
By and large, yes. However, similar to some other objective, consistently avoid potential risk.