
Kachura Valley, settled in the core of Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, is an enamoring objective that appears to have sprung from the pages of a storybook. This charming valley is home to the well known Kachura Lakes, involving the Upper Kachura Lake and the Lower Kachura Lake, each offering its own exceptional appeal. The Lower Kachura Lake, otherwise called Shangrila Lake, is especially famous for resort portrays perfect world, with its beautiful engineering reflecting the peaceful waters.
Upper Kachura Lake, less popularized at this point similarly dazzling, is a sanctuary for those looking for serenity in the midst of nature. Encircled by rich plantations and transcending mountains, the lake’s completely clear waters welcome guests to drench themselves in its tranquil magnificence. The excursion to Upper Kachura includes a beautiful climb, compensating globe-trotters with stunning perspectives and a tranquil feel distant from the rushing about of day to day existence.

Kachura Valley isn’t just about its lakes; it’s a passage to investigating the more extensive marvels of Skardu and Gilgit-Baltistan. From journeying in the close by mountains to relishing neighborhood treats, the valley offers a mix of normal magnificence, experience, and social lavishness. Whether you’re rowing in the quiet waters, walking around the lake shores, or essentially absorbing the all encompassing vistas, Kachura Valley guarantees an extraordinary encounter that enraptures the heart and relieves the spirit.

Kachura valley is a locale situated in the Skardu Region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It’s especially popular for its two dazzling lakes: the Upper Kachura Lake and the Lower Kachura Lake, otherwise called Shangrila Lake.

Settled among the mountains, Kachura offers stunning normal magnificence. The area is portrayed by its tranquil elevated lakes, lavish plant life, and encompassing snow-covered tops. The region is a well known traveler objective, drawing in guests with its serene scenes and valuable open doors for outside exercises like climbing and sailing.

Lower Kachura, with its renowned Shangrila Resort, is the more evolved of the two regions. The hotel, set up in 1983, is named after a legendary spot known as Shangri-la, a Tibetan word signifying “Paradise on The planet”. It’s eminent for its special cafĂ©, set in the fuselage of an airplane that crashed close by.

Upper Kachura, then again, is less grown yet similarly gorgeous. It offers more provincial facilities and a serene climate that is ideal for those hoping to drench themselves in nature.

In spite of its distant area, Kachura is open by street from Skardu, making it a helpful location for explorers trying to encounter the peaceful magnificence of the Gilgit-Baltistan locale.

Attractions in Kachura

Kachura, situated in the Skardu region of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, is home to different attractions, essentially based on its staggering normal excellence.

Here are the key attractions that attract guests to this area:

Upper Kachura Lake:

Upper Kachura Lake is a secret gem settled in the Skardu locale of Gilgit-Baltistan, where the immaculate magnificence of nature unfurls in its most perfect structure. This snow capped lake, set in the midst of a scene of transcending mountains and rich vegetation, offers a serene retreat a long way from the clamoring places of interest. The completely clear waters of the lake, mirroring the sky blue skies and the tough territory that encompasses it, make an entrancing display that charms each guest.

The excursion to Upper Kachura Lake is an undertaking in itself, including a beautiful journey across verdant ways that deal looks at the neighborhood verdure. This journey not just fills in as a delicate sign of the endlessness and magnificence of nature yet in addition prompts an untainted objective where the peacefulness of the lake welcomes you to stop and reflect. The shortfall of business improvement around Upper Kachura Lake protects its quiet feeling, making it an ideal spot for those looking for comfort and a profound association with nature.

Exercises around Upper Kachura Lake are based on embracing the serenity of the climate. From picnicking on its shores to taking a relaxed boat ride on its serene waters, the lake offers basic joys that are an invigorating change from the quick moving current life. As the day unfurls, the changing light projects a mystical shine on the scene, offering bunch tones that are a joy for picture takers and nature darlings the same. Upper Kachura Lake isn’t simply an objective; an encounter revives the spirit and offers a brief look into the immaculate excellence of Pakistan’s northern scenes.

Lower Kachura Lake (Shangrila Lake):

Lower Kachura Lake, broadly known as Shangrila Lake, is a piece of heaven concealed in the Skardu Valley of Gilgit-Baltistan. This captivating lake is circled by rich plant life and the rough glory of the mountains, making a tranquil hideout that appears to be practically dreamlike. The name “Shangrila” itself brings out pictures of a secret ideal world, and consistent with its name, the lake offers a quiet break with its purplish blue waters and pleasant environmental elements.

The lake is important for the Shangrila Resort, which adds a dash of man-made polish to the regular excellence of the area. The hotel is known for its one of a kind design, including the famous ‘plane eatery’ that has turned into an image of the lake’s personality. Guests to Shangrila Lake can partake in a comfortable boat ride, loll in the tranquil vibe, or investigate the retreat’s contributions, which are intended to supplement the normal charm of the lake.

Shangrila Lake is something beyond a beautiful spot; an objective offers a mix of unwinding, experience, and social investigation. The lake’s completely clear waters mirror the evolving skies, while the encompassing regions are ideal for climbing and investigating the rich biodiversity of the district. Whether you’re looking for a quiet retreat or a potential chance to interface with nature, Lower Kachura Lake (Shangrila Lake) guarantees a remarkable encounter in the midst of the superb scenes of Skardu.

Shangrila Resort:

Set on the bank of Lower Kachura Lake, Shangrila Resort is a conspicuous fascination in itself. Known for its one of a kind café set in the fuselage of a crashed airplane, the hotel offers agreeable facilities, an assortment of eating choices, and various sporting exercises.

Climbing and Journeying:

Kachura offers various climbing and traveling amazing open doors. Guests can investigate trails around the lakes or adventure into the encompassing slopes and mountains.

Neighborhood Towns:

Guests can likewise investigate the nearby towns in Kachura to acquire knowledge into the district’s way of life and lifestyle. This is a great method for connecting with neighborhood inhabitants and find out about their practices and customs.

Natural product Nurseries:

Kachura is known for its organic product gardens. Contingent upon the season, guests can appreciate apples, apricots, and cherries directly from the trees.


The locale is home to assorted untamed life. Birdwatchers will especially appreciate Kachura, as it draws in an assortment of bird animal types.

Whether you’re an explorer looking for outside exercises or a voyager looking for serenity and normal magnificence, Kachura offers something for everybody. An objective charms with its peaceful scenes and lively neighborhood culture.

Experience and Relaxation Exercises in Kachura

Sailing and Fishing

Both Kachura Lakes offer open doors for sailing, making it workable for guests to investigate the tranquil magnificence of these waters. The lakes are likewise famous for trout fishing, offering a loosening up side interest for guests.

Climbing and Bird Observing

With its different vegetation, Kachura is an incredible spot for climbing and bird watching. The valley gives a brief look into the district’s rich biodiversity, which adds to its appeal and allure.

Arranging Your Visit to Kachura

Best Chance to Visit

The best chance to visit Kachura is throughout the late spring months, from May to September, when the weather conditions is charming, and the magnificence of the valley is at its pinnacle.

Travel Tips and Proposals

While arranging an excursion to Kachura, guarantee to pack fundamentals like comfortable dress, durable shoes, and an emergency treatment unit. Regarding the neighborhood customs and climate during your visit is likewise suggested.


Kachura, with its shocking lakes, quiet environmental elements, and experience open doors, is an unlikely treasure in Pakistan’s scene. A visit to this valley offers an extraordinary encounter of nature’s abundance and tranquil excellence.

As often as possible Got clarification on some pressing issues

Where is Kachura found?
Kachura is situated in Skardu, in the Gilgit-Baltistan area of northern Pakistan.

Why is Kachura extraordinary?
Kachura is extraordinary for its shocking regular excellence, particularly the Upper and Lower Kachura Lakes. The peaceful climate and the open doors for experience exercises make it a must-visit objective.

What is the best opportunity to visit Kachura?
The best chance to visit Kachura is throughout the mid year months, from May to September.

What exercises could guests at any point take part in at Kachura?
Guests to Kachura can take part in different exercises, including drifting, fishing, climbing, bird watching, and investigating the neighborhood greenery.

Is it protected to visit Kachura?
Indeed, Kachura is a protected and well known traveler objective. Be that as it may, similar to any movement, avoiding potential risk and regard nearby traditions and traditions is suggested.