
The Northern Areas of Pakistan have garnered international acclaim for their breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders, attracting tourists from all corners of the globe. Renowned for its rich culture and warm hospitality, Pakistan offers a mesmerizing experience to millions of visitors who flock to its northern regions every year.

Northern Areas—it’s also the warmth and hospitality of the Pakistani people. From the bustling bazaars of Gilgit to the remote villages of Hunza, travelers are welcomed with open arms and treated to a taste of traditional Pakistani culture.

As you journey through the Northern Areas, you’ll encounter a tapestry of sights, sounds, and experiences that will leave you spellbound. Whether you’re exploring ancient forts and monuments, trekking through remote mountain trails, or simply soaking in the breathtaking scenery, there’s something here for everyone to enjoy.

So gather your belongings and set out on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Pakistan’s northern regions. There are countless beauties waiting to be found, from the natural landscape of Skardu to the lovely areas of Chitral. As you explore this genuinely amazing area, get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime.

The Ideal Time to Visit:

Find the Northern Areas of Pakistan at their generally charming throughout the mid year months, when the intensity of the fields gives way to the invigorating coolness of the mountains. As temperatures take off in Punjab and Sindh, local people enthusiastically break toward the Northern mountains, looking for comfort in the peaceful scenes and fresh mountain air.

Come along with families and friends as they set off on life-changing adventures and make priceless memories in the shadow of snow-capped mountains and emerald-green meadows. From thrilling outdoor activities to peaceful moments of reflection, summer in the Northern Areas promises a wealth of experiences for every traveler.

Government Initiatives and Tourism Development:

Investments in vital infrastructure, including the development of roads, airports, and transportation networks, have paved the way for smoother and more accessible travel across the country. Moreover, the establishment of modern hotels, cozy guesthouses, and convenient petrol stations ensures that travelers can contiune freely on their adventures with peace of mind, knowing that comfort and convenience await them at every turn.

But the Government’s commitment to promoting tourism goes beyond mere infrastructure. It extends to fostering a vibrant tourism culture that celebrates Pakistan’s rich heritage, culture, and natural beauty. Through various promotional campaigns, cultural festivals, and heritage preservation efforts, the Government aims to showcase the country’s diverse offerings and attract travelers seeking authentic and immersive experiences.

Furthermore, initiatives such as the simplification of visa procedures, introduction of special tourist packages, and promotion of eco-friendly tourism practices underscore the Government’s dedication to making Pakistan a preferred destination for travelers worldwide.

As a result of these concerted efforts, Pakistan is emerging as an increasingly attractive destination for adventurers, nature enthusiasts, and culture seekers alike. With its breathtaking landscapes, warm hospitality, and rich cultural tapestry, Pakistan beckons travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys of exploration and discovery.

Northern Areas
Northern Areas

Top Destinations in the Northern Areas:

Chitral Valley:

Nestled amidst lush green valleys and towering mountains, Chitral captivates visitors with its awe-inspiring beauty. The region, situated on the eastern border of Gilgit Baltistan, boasts some of the world’s most picturesque landscapes and colossal glaciers, offering an adventurous playground for hikers and mountaineers.

chitral valley
chitral valley

Additional Information: Explore the depths Chitral treasures, a region celebrated for its vibrant cultural tapestry and unparalleled natural beauty.Situated in the breathtaking landscapes of Chitral lies the renowned Kalash Valley, a haven for the indigenous Kalash people who proudly preserve their rich cultural heritage.

Swat Valley:

Often referred to as the “Switzerland of Pakistan,” Swat enchants travelers with its idyllic plains and majestic peaks. Located near the Swat River, the region teems with natural splendor, including lakes, rivers, and waterfalls, drawing tourists year-round to witness its unparalleled beauty.


Additional Information: Swat Valley is not only renowned for its stunning natural beauty but also for its fertile lands that have been nurturing a bounty of fruits and vegetables for centuries. Despite the cool temperatures that prevail in the valley, the rich soil and favorable climate create an ideal environment for agricultural productivity.

The valley’s agricultural landscape is a patchwork of vibrant orchards and lush fields, where farmers cultivate a diverse range of crops, including apples, peaches, cherries, strawberries, and potatoes. The fertile lands of Swat Valley have earned it the title of the “Granary of Pakistan,” as it continues to contribute significantly to the country’s agricultural output.

Azad Jammu & Kashmir:

The liberated region of Azad Kashmir offers a breathtaking panorama of dense forests and snow-capped peaks. Neelam Valley, a gem of the region, entices visitors with its verdant landscapes and pristine streams, providing an ideal getaway for nature enthusiasts.


Additional Information: As the Neelam River winds its way through Muzaffarabad, it becomes more than just a waterway—it becomes a symbol of resilience and tranquility, offering solace to weary travelers and locals alike. Along its banks, you’ll find lush greenery, dotted with colorful wildflowers and towering trees, creating a haven of peace amidst the bustling city.

Naltar Valley:

Renowned for its verdant meadows and towering peaks, Naltar Valley beckons adventurers seeking solace amidst nature’s grandeur. Adorned with five exquisite lakes, the valley’s beauty is further accentuated by its alpine ski slopes, attracting thrill-seekers from far and wide.


Additional Information: Naltar Valley, nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the northern areas, boasts some of the finest ski resorts in Pakistan. These resorts offer a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, catering to both seasoned skiers and novice enthusiasts alike.

With its beautiful hillsides and powdery snow, Naltar Valley provides an attractive location for thrilling ski adventures. Whether you’re gliding down the slopes with practiced skill or taking your first tentative steps on skis, the valley’s ski resorts offer something for everyone.

Naran Kaghan:

Celebrated as one of Pakistan’s premier tourist destinations, Naran Kaghan enthralls visitors with its pristine landscapes and serene ambiance. Situated at an altitude of 10,000 feet, Naran boasts pleasant temperatures during the summer months, making it an ideal retreat for travelers seeking respite from the heat.


Additional Information: Lake Saiful Malook, a jewel of the region, captivates visitors with its crystalline waters and majestic mountain backdrop, offering a surreal experience akin to paradise in northern area.
Legend has it that Lake Saiful Malook is named after a prince who fell in love with a fairy princess, adding to the enchanting allure of this mystical destination. Whether you’re trekking through the rugged trails that lead to the lake or simply basking in its serene ambiance, Lake Saiful Malook promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you spellbound by its natural splendor.

Fairy Meadows:

Nestled amidst the snow-capped peaks, Fairy Meadows offers a glimpse of paradise on earth. Accessible via a scenic drive from Chilas to Raikot Bridge, this ethereal destination beckons hikers and nature enthusiasts. With its unparalleled views of Nanga Parbat, one of Pakistan’s highest peaks, Fairy Meadows promises an unforgettable experience for those seeking adventure amidst nature’s splendor.


Additional Information: While Fairy Meadows is a captivating destination year-round, it is particularly recommended to visit during the summer months to avoid the risk of landslides during winter.
Exploring the Best of Baltistan:


Ghanche, known for its stunning valleys and high peaks, provides a peaceful haven for visitors looking for comfort amid the abundance of nature. Ghanche offers in an unmatched appeal that attracts each sense, from the tranquil Khalti Lake to the verdant meadows. The Hushe river originates from the Ghondogoro glaciers, meandering through verdant landscapes before merging with the Saltoro river at Haldi village. Meanwhile, the Saltoro river begins its journey from the Ali Brangsa Glacier, while the Kondos river springs forth from the Kondus glacier. These waterways converge at Dumsum village, forming a network of life-giving arteries that sustain the region’s vibrant ecosystem. Finally, these rivers unite with the Shyok river at Yuchung, symbolizing the harmonious union of nature’s forces in this enchanting corner of the world.



Additional Information: The Khalti Lake is renowned for its abundance of trout fish, offering fishing enthusiasts an opportunity to indulge in their favorite pastime amidst the breathtaking scenery.


Just a short drive from Skardu lies the enchanting valley of Shigar, where history and heritage converge to create an unforgettable experience. Home to the majestic Shigar Fort and a myriad of cultural landmarks, this valley invites visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Baltistan’s past.


Additional Information: The Shigar Fort, meticulously restored to its former glory, offers luxury accommodations that blend traditional charm with modern comforts, ensuring a memorable stay for discerning travelers.


Nestled in the northeast of the Ghanche District, Kharmang enchants visitors with its cascading waterfalls and snow-capped peaks. From the majestic Khamosh Waterfall to the verdant valleys teeming with orchards, Kharmang promises a sensory journey through nature’s wonders.


Additional Information: The fertile lands of Kharmang yield a diverse array of apples, showcasing the region’s agricultural prowess and providing visitors with a delectable taste of local produce.


As the capital of the Skardu District, Skardu stands as a gateway to some of Pakistan’s most iconic landscapes. From the towering peaks of the Karakoram Range to the pristine waters of Lake Satpara, Skardu invites travelers to embark on an adventure like no other.

Additional Information: Lake Satpara, with its shimmering blue waters, offers an idyllic setting for fishing and boating, allowing visitors to unwind amidst nature’s splendor.
Discovering Gilgit’s Hidden Gems:


Tucked away in the western part of Gilgit lies the enchanting valley of Ghizer, where azure lakes and verdant meadows beckon travelers to embark on a journey of discovery. Whether it’s fishing in the Khalti Lake or camping amidst the picturesque landscapes, Ghizer promises an escape to tranquility.


Additional Information: The serene ambiance of Ghizer provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life, allowing visitors to reconnect with nature in its purest form.


Nestled amidst the rugged mountains of the Karakoram Range, Hunza Valley captivates travelers with its timeless beauty and rich cultural heritage. From the ancient Altit Fort to the tranquil shores of Attabad Lake, Hunza invites visitors to immerse themselves in a world of wonder.


Additional Information: Hunza Valley’s pristine landscapes and hospitable locals make it an ideal destination for travelers seeking an authentic cultural experience amidst breathtaking scenery.


Home to the majestic peaks of the Karakoram Range, Nagar Valley offers a glimpse into the unspoiled beauty of Pakistan’s northern regions. From the towering Rakaposhi Peaks to the tranquil Rush Lake, Nagar promises an unforgettable journey through nature’s wonders.


Additional Information: The crystal-clear waters of Rush Lake offer a stunning backdrop for photography enthusiasts, providing an opportunity to capture the majestic beauty of the Karakoram Range.


Nestled amidst towering mountains and pristine streams, Gupis-Yasin district beckons travelers to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. Whether it’s trekking through the rugged terrain or simply soaking in the natural beauty, Gupis-Yasin promises an adventure like no other.


Additional Information: The tranquil ambiance of Gupis-Yasin provides a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life, allowing visitors to reconnect with nature in its purest form.

Exploring the Northern Regions of Pakistan by Diameter:


Situated at an altitude of 2,546 meters in Gilgit Baltistan, Astore Valley offers a gateway to some of the region’s most spectacular landscapes. Whether it’s trekking through the rugged terrain or simply admiring the panoramic views, Astore promises an adventure like no other.


Additional Information: Astore Valley’s pristine beauty and tranquil ambiance make it an ideal destination for travelers seeking a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.


Nestled in the southwest of Chilas, the remote town of Darel beckons travelers to embark on a journey of discovery. From its charming wooden houses to its rugged mountains, Darel promises an unforgettable experience amidst nature’s wonders.


Additional Information: Darel’s rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic taste of Gilgit Baltistan.


Renowned for its clean plains and pristine lakes, Tangir Valley invites travelers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. Whether it’s exploring the lush meadows or simply soaking in the tranquility, Tangir promises an unforgettable journey through Pakistan’s northern regions.


Additional Information: Tangir Valley’s fertile lands and abundant water sources make it an ideal destination for agriculture, providing visitors with a glimpse into the region’s rich cultural heritage.


Located along the banks of the Indus River, Chilas offers a gateway to some of Pakistan’s most spectacular landscapes. Whether it’s trekking through the rugged terrain or simply admiring the panoramic views, Chilas promises an adventure like no other.


Additional Information: Settled in the core of Gilgit Baltistan, Chilas entices explorers with its essential area and stunning scenes. Arranged along the ancient Silk Route, this unlikely treasure offers a brief look into the rich history and culture of the locale.

Why Chilas?

Vital Area: Situated at a junction of old shipping lanes, Chilas fills in as a door to the marvels of Gilgit Baltistan. Its area makes it an optimal beginning stage for investigating the locale’s different scenes and social legacy.

Stunning Viewpoints: Plan to be enraptured by Chilas’ striking landscape. Towering mountains, completely clear waterways, and rich valleys paint a truly flawless scenery for your undertakings. Whether you’re a devoted picture taker or just looking for serenity, Chilas offers sees that will leave you hypnotized.

Chilas River
Chilas River


Authentic Experience: For explorers hankering a true taste of Gilgit Baltistan, Chilas conveys. Submerge yourself in neighborhood customs, enjoy conventional food, and associate with affable networks anxious to share their accounts. From old stone carvings to lively marketplaces, each side of Chilas welcomes investigation.


In conclusion, the Northern Areas of Pakistan stand as a testament to the country’s natural beauty and cultural richness. From the towering peaks of the Karakoram Range to the serene valleys and shimmering lakes, this region offers a myriad of experiences for travelers seeking adventure, tranquility, and cultural immersion. With the government’s initiatives to promote tourism and improve infrastructure, now is the perfect time to pack your bags and embark on a journey to explore the unparalleled beauty of Pakistan’s Northern Areas. Whether you’re an avid adventurer, a nature enthusiast, or a cultural connoisseur, the Northern Areas promise an unforgettable experience that will leave you enchanted and inspired.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

When is the best time to visit the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

The best time to visit the Northern Areas is during the summer months, from May to September, when the weather is mild and conducive to outdoor activities. However, certain regions may also be accessible during other seasons, depending on individual preferences and travel plans.

Are the Northern Areas of Pakistan safe for tourists?

Yes, the Northern Areas of Pakistan are generally safe for tourists. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and stay informed about any local advisories or security concerns before planning your trip. Additionally, it’s advisable to travel with a reputable tour operator or guide who is familiar with the region.

What are some must-visit attractions in the Northern Areas?

Some must-visit attractions include Lake Saiful Malook in Naran Kaghan, Fairy Meadows near Nanga Parbat, Hunza Valley with its ancient forts and breathtaking scenery, and Skardu, known for its proximity to the majestic Karakoram Range and Lake Satpara.

How can I travel to the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

The Northern Areas can be accessed by road or air, depending on your location and preferences. Domestic flights are available to airports in Gilgit, Skardu, and Chitral, while well-maintained highways connect major cities like Islamabad and Lahore to popular tourist destinations.