Introduction to Top 10 Spots to Visit in Skardu

Skardu, a hypnotizing valley settled in the core of Gilgit-Baltistan, is a gold mine of regular excellence, verifiable destinations, and social extravagance, making it a heaven for globe-trotters and nature sweethearts the same. From the quiet waters of Satpara Lake to the old charm of Skardu Post, each site recounts its very own account, set against the background of the superb Karakoram Reach.

Among the must-visit places is the captivating Shangrila Resort, frequently alluded to as “Paradise on The planet,” known for its pleasant setting and the notable Kachura Lake. Similarly enamoring is the Deosai Public Park, the second most elevated level on the planet, offering stunning perspectives, wildflowers, and an opportunity to see the subtle Himalayan earthy colored bear. For those attracted to the persona of old developments, the Manthal Buddha Rock with its old Buddhist carvings gives a brief look into the district’s rich legacy.

10 Interesting Facts About Pakistan

Not to be missed is the sheer excellence of Sheosar Lake, referred to locally as Visually impaired Lake, which mirrors the sky and encompassing tops in its completely clear waters, causing a situation of unmatched serenity. The virus desert of Skardu, with its sand ridges set against snow-covered mountains, offers a strange scene that spellbinds each guest. Every area in Skardu is a novel mix of nature’s masterfulness and verifiable stories, promising a remarkable excursion through perhaps of Pakistan’s most dazzling district.

Skardu Post (Kharpocho Stronghold):

Sitting above Skardu from a ridge, the memorable Skardu Post gives staggering all encompassing perspectives on the valley.

Satpara Lake:
This beautiful lake is quite possibly of Skardu’s greatest fascination. Flaunting completely clear waters and an island in the center, Satpara Lake is an ideal spot for sailing and fishing.

Shangrila Resort and Lower Kachura Lake:
Known as “Paradise on The planet,” the Shangrila Resort encompasses a heart-molded lake offering pleasant view and an extraordinary feasting experience inside an airplane turned eatery.

Deosai Fields:
Lying at a height of 4,114 meters, Deosai Fields, otherwise called the “Place that is known for Goliaths,” is the second most noteworthy level on the planet, and home to a public park overflowing with untamed life.

Sheosar Lake:
Situated inside Deosai Public Park, Sheosar Lake is a dazzling, clear water lake encompassed by wildflowers in summer and snow-covered mountains.

Upper Kachura Lake:

Less swarmed than its lower partner, Upper Kachura Lake offers quiet excellence and serenity.

Basho Valley:
A heaven for nature darlings, Basho Valley is known for its lavish green woods, water streams, and serene climate.

Buddha Rock Carvings:
Tracing all the way back to the eighth hundred years, the Buddha rock carvings are a demonstration of Skardu’s rich verifiable and social past.

Khaplu Castle:
Otherwise called Yabgo Khar, this old castle and post complex offers a brief look into the imperial legacy of the locale.

Cold Desert of Skardu:

Perhaps of the greatest desert on the planet, this cool desert is a novel and shocking scene of sand hills set against the background of frigid pinnacles.

Every one of these spots offers an extraordinary method for encountering Skardu’s normal magnificence, social legacy, and rich history. Whether you’re a set of experiences buff, a nature darling, or an undertaking fan, Skardu brings something to the table for you. The Staggering Skardu Post

Skardu Post, otherwise called Kharpocho Stronghold, offers an all encompassing perspective on Skardu city. Underlying the sixteenth hundred years, the post flaunts Tibetan structural style, and its rich history makes it a must-visit place for history fans.

The Quiet Satpara Lake

Satpara Lake is one of the most quiet and delightful attractions in Skardu, Pakistan. Situated at an elevation of roughly 2,700 meters, it’s a characteristic lake took care of by the softening icy masses of the encompassing mountains.

Including an area of around 2.5 square kilometers, Satpara Lake is known for its unmistakable, blue water that mirrors the encompassing snow-covered tops. An island in the lake, which can be gotten to by means of boat, adds to its appeal.

The lake is an essential wellspring of new water for the close by town of Skardu, giving both drinking endlessly water to water system. Other than its viable importance, the lake is a center for the travel industry.

Satpara Lake

Guests can partake in a quiet boat ride on the lake, fish in its bountiful waters, or essentially sit close by, absorbing the tranquil environment and delightful vistas. The lake is especially captivating at the crack of dawn and dusk, while the changing light paints a dazzling picture on the water and encompassing scene.

Nearby the lake, you can find Satpara Dam, a significant hydroelectric venture that has made extra water repositories.

For the people who wish to remain for the time being, there are guesthouses and camping areas close by, offering guests the opportunity to awaken to the awesome sight of the sun ascending over the lake.

Whether you’re searching for sporting exercises or a tranquil retreat, the peaceful excellence of Satpara Lake offers a reviving encounter in the midst of the magnificent scene of Skardu. The Beautiful Shangrila Resort

Settled in the midst of transcending mountains and delightful lakes, Shangrila Resort is many times called ‘Paradise on The planet.’ This retreat, with its special design and beautiful magnificence, offers a critical encounter for its guests.

The Memorable Manthal Buddha Rock

The Manthal Buddha Rock is a huge verifiable and archeological site situated in Skardu, in the Gilgit-Baltistan locale of Pakistan. This enormous stone is enhanced with carvings that date back to the eighth century CE, giving an interesting look into the locale’s past.

The most noticeable component of Manthal Buddha Rock is the enormous cut picture of a situated Buddha, from which the site gets its name. The Buddha is portrayed in a conventional posture of reflection, a typical theme in Buddhist workmanship. Encompassing the figure of the Buddha are various more modest carvings, including pictures of stupas (Buddhist hallowed places) and different engravings.

These carvings are a demonstration of the spread of Buddhism in the district during the principal thousand years CE. By and large, the Gilgit-Baltistan district was a basic intersection on the Silk Street, the old shipping lane that connected China with the Center East and Europe. Buddhism was one of the numerous social impacts that went along this course, and the Manthal Buddha Rock is a critical archeological proof of this social trade.


Visiting the Manthal Buddha Rock gives an extraordinary chance to dive into the locale’s rich history and social legacy. It’s an unquestionable necessity for history buffs and anybody with an interest in Buddhist craftsmanship and prehistoric studies. If it’s not too much trouble, recall that this is a significant authentic site, and the carvings ought to be treated as for protect them for people in the future. The Glorious Kharpocho Stronghold

Disregarding the Indus Stream, Kharpocho Post offers a mind boggling perspective on Skardu. Albeit in ruins, the post remains as a demonstration of the locale’s magnificent past and merits a visit.

The Delightful Deosai Public Park

Deosai Public Park, situated in the northern Gilgit-Baltistan locale of Pakistan, is a marvel of regular magnificence and biodiversity. Frequently alluded to as the “Top of the World,” the recreation area is arranged on the Deosai Level, quite possibly of the greatest level on the planet with a typical rise of 4,114 meters above ocean level.

Spreading over an area of roughly 3,000 square kilometers, the recreation area presents a staggering scene described by tremendous high glades, moving slopes, and clear blue lakes, the biggest of which is the Sheosar Lake. The landscape is dabbed with different wildflowers throughout the late spring months, making an energetic embroidery of variety against the scenery of snow-covered tops.

One of the critical targets of the Deosai Public Park, laid out in 1993, is the assurance of the Himalayan earthy colored bear. When near the very edge of elimination, the recreation area has contributed essentially to the protection of this species. Notwithstanding the earthy colored bear, the recreation area is home to an assortment of other natural life, including red foxes, snow panthers, wolves, and various bird species.

Deosai National Park 2023

Deosai Public Park is likewise a heaven for nature sweethearts and experience searchers. The recreation area offers different exercises including natural life seeing, bird watching, photography, traveling, and setting up camp under the elegant sky.

Remember that because of its high elevation, the Deosai Fields are just open throughout the mid year months, ordinarily from June to early September. Outside this period, the region is shrouded in snow and the temperatures can be very low.

Whether you’re a globe-trotter, untamed life devotee, or just an admirer of regular magnificence, Deosai Public Park offers an extraordinary and remarkable experience of Pakistan’s high-height wild. The Quiet Upper Kachura Lake

Upper Kachura Lake is one more gem in Skardu’s crown. The completely clear lake encompassed by apple, apricot, and cherry plantations establishes a captivating climate that coaxes guests.

The Hypnotizing Katpana Lake and Cold Desert

Katpana Lake, otherwise called the Satpara Lake, and the nearby Katpana Cold Desert are two of Skardu’s most hypnotizing and extraordinary attractions in Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan locale.

Katpana Lake:
This charming lake is a characteristic miracle, known for dark blue waters and the beautiful excellence encompasses it. Arranged at a height of 2,635 meters above ocean level, Katpana Lake is a superb spot for sailing, trout fishing, and essentially absorbing the quietness of nature. The lake likewise has an island in the center, which adds to its appeal and can be reached by boat.


Katpana Cold Desert:

Simply a short drive from the lake, you will find the Katpana Cold Desert, which is likewise normally alluded to as the “Chilly Desert of Skardu.” This high-height desert is one of the greatest on the planet and a genuinely exceptional scene. Regardless of the cruel desert conditions, the region is incredibly gorgeous, particularly at the crack of dawn and dusk when the light makes a mystical sparkle on the sand rises.

The juxtaposition of the shining blue lake and the far reaching desert scene, all set against the background of the powerful Karakoram range, is something else. Whether you’re investigating the sand ridges, picnicking by the lake, or just catching the dazzling scene with your camera, the Katpana Lake and Cold Desert offer a novel and extraordinary involvement with Skardu.

Katpana Desert 2023
Katpana Desert 2023

It’s actually important that because of the height, the environment can change rapidly, and, surprisingly, in the mid year months, temperatures can decrease essentially. In this way, it’s fundamental for dress in layers and be ready for fluctuating weather patterns. The Marvelous Basho Valley

Basho Valley, with its tranquil streams, rich backwoods, and sprouting blossoms, offers a retreat from the hurrying around of city life. It’s an ideal spot for climbing, photography, and reflection.

Shangrila Resort and Lower Kachura Lake

The Shangrila Resort, frequently alluded to as “Paradise on The planet,” is settled among the tremendous excellence of Lower Kachura Lake in Skardu, Pakistan. This dazzling hotel, encompassed by the grand Karakoram mountain range, offers an unmatched mix of solace, quietness, and normal quality.

Shangrila Resort:

Shangrila was laid out in 1983 with the vision of giving an extraordinary encounter of heaven. With its one of a kind mix of conventional design and lavish current solaces, the hotel offers an assortment of convenience choices, from rooms and suites to private houses. The retreat includes various conveniences, including an eatery, meeting offices, and a scope of sporting exercises like drifting, grass tennis, and a children’s play region.

Shangrila Resort Skardu
Shangrila Resort Skardu

One of the remarkable features of the hotel is its café housed in an airplane. The design is a genuine DC-3 airplanes that crashed close by in 1953 and was subsequently bought by the hotel and changed over into a café.

Lower Kachura Lake:

Otherwise called Shangrila Lake, Lower Kachura Lake is a piece of the retreat and one of Skardu’s superb attractions. The lake is known for its perfectly clear, greenish blue waters and its quiet setting. The lake is encircled by organic product loaded plantations and bloom filled gardens, making it an ideal spot for unwinding and nature strolls. For the more brave, the lake offers valuable open doors for drifting and fishing.

gilgit baltistan

The blend of the tranquil Shangrila Resort and the pleasant Lower Kachura Lake make for a location that offers an important encounter of normal magnificence, unwinding, and entertainment. Whether you’re looking for a serene escape or a courageous occasion, this mix of resort solace and regular charm makes certain to have an enduring effect.

Skardu Post (Kharpocho Stronghold)

Skardu Post, otherwise called Kharpocho Stronghold, is one of the most generally huge destinations in the Gilgit-Baltistan district of Pakistan. Roosted on a rough precipice disregarding the Skardu town, this post gives an incredible vantage highlight all encompassing perspectives on the encompassing valley, the Indus Stream, and the far off pinnacles of the Karakoram range.

Kharpocho Stronghold’s set of experiences traces all the way back to the eighth century CE and it’s accepted to have been worked by the Tibetan lord, Khri-bTsan-po. The stronghold was remade in the sixteenth hundred years by the neighborhood ruler, Ali Sher Khan Anchan, who made it quite possibly of the most powerful post in the district.

Skardu Post (Kharpocho Stronghold)

The stronghold’s design presents a convincing sight, with high cautious walls worked out of neighborhood stone and inside spaces that once housed troopers, ponies, and stores of grain. The design likewise incorporates remainders of a mosque, accepted to have been fabricated later during the reign of the Kashmiri rulers in the nineteenth hundred years.

Investigating the post resembles venturing back in time, offering looks into the district’s rich past. The move to the stronghold is to some degree steep, yet the perspectives from the top are certainly worth the work.

While the post has experienced a harm over the long haul because of regular components, endeavors have been made to protect this verifiable site. It stays a well known fascination for history fans and travelers searching for stunning perspectives on the Skardu Valley.

While visiting Skardu Stronghold, a tad of a climb and wear agreeable shoes. Additionally, try to convey water and sun security, particularly throughout the late spring months. Regard the authentic site and try not to make any harm the post’s design.

The Amazing Thalle Valley

Basho Valley, settled in the midst of the powerful Karakoram Reach in Skardu, Pakistan, is a breathtaking presentation of nature’s magnificence. Known for its serene climate and untainted magnificence, the valley is a shelter for nature devotees and harmony searchers.

One of the champion elements of Basho Valley is the overflow of lavish plant life. The scene is spotted with pine trees, and the valley is crossed by the completely clear waters of the Basho Stream, a feeder of the strong Indus Waterway. The sound of streaming water, the stir of leaves, and the quiet vibe give a relieving escape from the clamoring city life.

The Amazing Thalle Valley

The valley is likewise home to a different cluster of natural life. It is entirely expected to recognize mountain goats, foxes, marmots, and an assortment of bird animal groups local to the district. For bird-watchers and untamed life picture takers, Basho Valley is to be sure a heaven.

Aside from the entrancing normal magnificence, Basho Valley likewise offers a brief look into the neighborhood Balti culture. The occupants of the valley carry on with a straightforward, provincial life, generally subject to cultivating and domesticated animals raising. Their warm cordiality and special practices add a social wealth to the visit.

Basho Valley is ideally suited for different open air exercises like climbing, setting up camp, fishing, and nature photography. It’s additionally an astounding spot for picnicking with offices accessible for guests.

While visiting Basho Valley, make sure to regard the indigenous habitat and the nearby social standards. Be certain not to abandon any litter and keep up with the quietness of the area. Whether you’re looking for experience, isolation, or an association with nature, Basho Valley guarantees an extraordinary encounter.

Skardu is a place where there is different scenes, rich history, and spellbinding normal magnificence. Whether you’re an undertaking devotee, a nature darling, or a set of experiences buff, Skardu offers a remarkable encounter for each explorer.


Skardu is a place where there is different scenes, rich history, and spellbinding normal magnificence. Whether you’re an undertaking fan, a nature darling, or a set of experiences buff, Skardu offers a remarkable encounter for each explorer.

Every now and again Clarified some pressing issues

What are the top spots to visit in Skardu?
The top spots to visit in Skardu incorporate Skardu Stronghold, Satpara Lake, Shangrila Resort, Manthal Buddha Rock, Kharpocho Post, Deosai Public Park, Upper Kachura Lake, Katpana Lake and Cold Desert, Basho Valley, and Thalle Valley.

What is Skardu well known for?
Skardu is popular for its stunning normal excellence, including lakes, mountains, and valleys. It’s additionally known for its authentic and social milestones.

What is the best opportunity to visit Skardu?
The best chance to visit Skardu is among April and October when the weather conditions is lovely, and the regular excellence of the locale is at its pinnacle.

Is it protected to visit Skardu?
Indeed, Skardu is a protected and famous vacationer location. Be that as it may, similar to any movement, avoiding potential risk and regard nearby traditions and traditions is suggested.

What exercises might travelers at any point appreciate in Skardu?
Travelers in Skardu can partake in various exercises, including drifting, fishing, climbing, setting up camp, and investigating verifiable locales.